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  The Strongest form of Spiritual Fumigation


Have you watched our recent video “The Resin Ritual” on YouTube? Feel free to watch it here and be sure to subscribe and keep up with our monthly videos!

In the video, Lani discusses utilizing resins for your spiritual needs. Resin burning is the old-school, traditional form of spiritual fumigation to summon, honor, or exorcise spirits and energies. Utilized within catholic churches, temples, and other places of sacred healing and communication, this form of incense burning is necessary when seeking aid from the divine as it is an offering to create a safe space for the intended spirits and ask for their blessing. Many are familiar with two types of resin: Frankincense and Myrrh. You may have used these resins or witnessed a family member use them because of their holy properties and various purposes within multiple cultures. Let’s discuss the history of resins and how you can add them to your spiritual practices.


Let’s talk about Resins and How to use them


What are Resins?

Resins are natural gums harvested from plants for their various properties used in our daily activities. When collected, depending on the resin, it is usually hardened due to natural preservation and typically needs to be burned to get any use from it. For example, Pine resin is a fantastic base for natural “weather-proof” torches because of the viscosity of the sap. The viscosity of the melted resin is particularly dense and sticky, which helps bind natural elements and preserves them from any environmental influences that could submerge the flame and promote the longevity of the burn time. Mother Nature also utilizes resin as a form of preservation and creates timeless pieces of art frozen in time: i.e. Amber pieces with Bugs and fossils. Resins are fascinating and are used expansively in crafting, perfumery, skincare, preservation, and holistic medicine due to their complex properties, yet no resin is the same as another. However, in spirituality, they are used differently.

Within spirituality and cultural practices, resins are known as the “blood” of nature and trees, therefore it is sacred and should be used as such. It has been used for ceremonial gatherings as a powerful incense to bless and consecrate a space, to purify entire communities from unwanted energies, and to bless and thank the presiding deities for their blessings and protection. Copal, a sweet, yet sharp clear resin, is used among Mesoamerican traditions because of the history of how copal is collected, representing blood being spilled, and being prepared for offerings as a form of sacrifice. Many would use it as an offering to spirits to protect their farmland, for increased success in hunting, or to honor spirits of fertility and healing to welcome the birthing of a child. The uses are not limited to this, as this is a rough explanation of the beauty behind copal. Ultimately, this demonstrates how powerful resins are within certain communities and the sacredness of the practice of it.


How or When Do I Use Resins?

Because of resin’s thick smoke potency, one must always remember that resin burning is the strongest form of spiritual fumigation and does not need to be used extremely often if being used casually. If it is a part of your tradition to burn resins in the morning to honor your spiritual court as a ceremonial ritual, please follow as necessary! But if one is learning the effectiveness of smoke fumigation, think of it in stages.


  • Incense: Short, sweet, and effective. Burn daily for temporary atmospheric blessings. Low smoke potency.
  • Smudge bundles: More interactive and potent. Burn weekly, as it carries a punch and goes deeper than atmospheric cleansing. Can also be used to call in a spirit. Not typically used in exorcisms yet varies on the selected herb. Assists in removing hidden and lingering energy and low-grade spirits. Medium – Medium High Smoke potency.
  • Resin: Strong, dense, and powerful. Burn biweekly or monthly (depending on the intended use) for intense atmospheric purification. Used in ceremonial rituals, exorcisms, and summonings. Can banish, remove, or cast out spirits of all grades. Very high smoke potency.


BE ADVISED, when working with resins, please ensure your entire space is clean and ready for an intense shift in energy. If you are clearing your space, be prepared for the smoke to cast out all of the unwanted energy that remained from whatever was physically removed from your space. If calling upon a certain spirit or energy, be sure your space is up to par and ready for their presence and benevolence. If casting out or exorcising a spirit, make sure your space has nowhere for the spirit to hide and linger in, and have the windows open for that spirit to exit the space!

Your mundane efforts are very important when working with such potent products. The preparation for burning resins is very similar to the preparation for burning a smudge bundle!

  • Physically clean your space. Get rid of any clutter, trash, or unwanted items that can hold energy that needs to be alleviated and removed from your home.
  • Open your sources of ventilation. Open your windows and doors to prepare your space for ventilation from the smoke. This also allows the unwanted spirits and energies to escape. This is necessary!
  • Prepare your heat source for your smoke item of choice. Ignite your charcoal, light a candle, or use a lighter as necessary.
  • Put your selected tool of choice to the proper heat source. Resins will burn on charcoal and melt, Smudge bundles need to be burned on the end until a red ember forms and then is blown out to release the smoke.
  • Stand either at the front or back of your house and move clockwise around your home.
  • As you walk around, pray for your intended needs and desires. Some practitioners say certain psalms or prayers, or something from the heart. As the smoke goes into the atmosphere, so will your words, prayers, and affirmations, so speak words of power over your space and bless it.
  • Get everywhere! Leave no spot missed. Reach the corners, cabinets, under the bed, the couch, and more.
  • Return to your starting spot and close out the prayer.

if your tool happens to still be burning after you complete your prayer, you can either allow it to self-extinguish, snuff it, or place it outside for the same blessings to be outside your home.


Want to burn resins at home?


If you found the practice of resin burning intriguing and something you would like to add to your spiritual practices, we have all the proper tools needed for you to get started. Here are some of our top picks and customer favorites when burning resins!

and so much more!

On behalf of bohemi chic, we hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about resins, their effectiveness, and how you can use them in your practice! Be sure to keep in contact if you have any questions and keep tabs on our socials for new updates! We hope to see you in-store soon!

Good Luck and Happy Manifesting from Bohemi Chic!

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