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Let’s talk about abundance and its influence on our lives!

Have you seen our recent video “All Things For Attracting Abundance to You” on YouTube? Feel free to watch it here!

When one thinks of the word “Abundance,” many automatically jump to the idea of financial abundance—being wealthy, or having a lot of money. Piggy banks and suitcases full of cash are technically known as abundance, but the word carries weight to its name.

Going to its original definition, Abundance is noted as “existing or occurring in large amounts” and that goes for all kinds of things. It is commonly used because of its positive connotations, but of course, there are two sides to everything. Earth has an abundance of people, trees, animals, and other mundane things. Spiritually, many of us have an abundance of spirits in our spiritual court, and others may have an abundance of negative influences in their aura. Regarding anything, too much of something good can be potentially bad if utilized incorrectly or not shared whereas an abundance of chaos is a clear notation of trouble and disruption.

When manifesting and using the term abundance, specify what you would like in abundance! Think about it as this…

Abundance is associated with Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, abundance, fortune, and growth. It can make anything grow bigger, whether it’s increasing financial success or financial debt. You must honor and utilize the planet and its energies with reverence for it to work in your favor positively.

Abundance increases whatever it touches, like the Midas touch of plenty. Instead of it turning to gold, it multiplies!

So if you plan on doing a money spell for abundance, make sure you have a couple of dollars to spare for that energy to allocate and bring forth the blessings you seek!

If you plan on doing spells for financial abundance, here are Bohemi Chic’s top product picks to indulge in that fulfilling energy!

and so much more.

With all this being said, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need in abundance. Be grateful for what you already have yet make sure you have space for the abundance you seek so you can enjoy it all and give back to others for it to grow and nourish your desire constantly.

Keep tabs on our Socials and feel free to contact us or visit us in-store to learn more about abundance and other mystical products for your future rituals.

Good luck and happy manifesting!

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