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Calamus Root

Calamus Root is a demanding herb that draws control over situations, can place or break hexes and curses, brings favor to the practitioner, and is heavily used in commanding and domination work. It also draws in good luck, is favorable with gambling work, and invokes protection when burned as incense.

When prepared correctly, Calamus Root serves to aid in healing the GI tract and the lungs, but due to its toxicity, do not at  ANY GIVEN chance try to consume or use this herb topically.

***Calamus Root is NOT suggested for consumption or topical use as it is TOXIC and meant for spiritual and recreational uses ONLY.***

All herbs are 100% organic and ethically sourced.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acorus calamus



POLARITY: Feminine




Our *edible herbs are safe for consumption but are sold for recreational and spiritual uses only. Consumer discretion is strongly advised.

Calamus Root is not edible and contains toxins that can cause fatalities if used incorrectly.

Bohemi Chic advises that if you plan to utilize, mix, or process herbs with the intention of consumption or topical use, be mindful of possible interactions with other herbs, medications, and health conditions. We are not responsible for any reactions caused by any external sources.

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